LG V10
The LG V10 retains the awesome camera from the LgG4, and adds manual controls to the video camera. DxO Mark recently ranked the LgG4 as second best smart phone camera. I'm really considering upgrading my G4 to the V10, but I will know for sure once I get some hands on time with the phone. In the meantime check out some of photos that I took with my LgG4. Mobile Gallery
LG has upped their camera game with the new LG V10 smartphone, and one of the new features includes a substantially enhanced manual mode. Check out the new manual mode and a few of the new features you can find including manual focus during video and directional audio with noise cancellation in this video!
This is the new LG V10. It's the first phone in what should be LG's new V series, complimenting the G series. It's bigger, it's beefier, and it's sporting one more camera and one more screen than we're used to. Let's take a look. Be sure to subscribe to our channel with this link!